Edwin Boyer named the first Borchard Distinguished Professorial Lecturer in Elder Law at Stetson Law

Professor Edwin Boyer has been named the first Borchard Distinguished Professorial Lecturer in Elder Law at Stetson University College of Law. Boyer ’78 has taught several classes in Stetson’s J.D. and LL.M. degree programs as an adjunct professor.

Professor Edwin Boyer

Professor Edwin Boyer

Boyer, who is the immediate past-president of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and a partner in the Sarasota elder law firm of Boyer & Jackson P.A., will serve as a mentor to Stetson Law students focused in the area of elder law. He will teach a class on trusts and estates at Stetson during the fall semester of 2012.

“We are delighted that someone of Ed Boyer’s experience and stature will enrich Stetson’s fine elder law program as the first Borchard Distinguished Professorial Lecturer,” said Edward D. Spurgeon, the president of the Borchard Foundation and co-director of the Borchard Foundation Law and Aging Center.

“It is an honor to be named by the Stetson faculty as the Borchard Distinguished Professorial Lecturer in Elder Law,” said Professor Boyer. “At Stetson, I am looking forward to furthering the foundation’s mission of helping improve the quality of life for elderly people through service and education.”

The Borchard Foundation, through its Center on Law and Aging, works through education, research and service to help improve the quality of life for elderly people, including those who are impoverished or isolated by lack of education, language, culture, disability or other barriers.

Stetson built the Eleazer Courtroom, the nation’s first barrier-free and elder-friendly courtroom, in 2005 as a model for accessibility on the Gulfport campus. Professor Rebecca Morgan, the Boston Asset Management Chair in Elder Law and director of Stetson’s Center for Excellence in Elder Law, is the nation’s first faculty chair in elder law.