Argentinean diplomat speaks with students about “Global Citizenship and Public Diplomacy”

Deputy Consul General of Argentina Gustavo Martínez Pandiani spoke with Stetson Law students on Sept. 4 about “Global Citizenship and Public Diplomacy.”

Deputy Consul General of Argentina Gustavo Martinez Pandiani speaks with Stetson Law students Sept.4.

Argentinean diplomat Gustavo Martínez Pandiani speaks with Stetson Law students Sept.4.

Martínez Pandiani explained his view that the rule of law and democratic participation provide the foundation of global citizenship. He explored how international diplomacy has evolved from the traditional secret diplomacy of the 18th century, to the public diplomacy of the 20th century, to become mass media diplomacy today in the 21st century.

“It’s a new world for diplomats,” said Martínez Pandiani. “We need to understand the world of the media—images and sound bites.”

Martínez Pandiani also discussed the need among citizens to recognize different cultural values. He answered questions from students about diplomatic immunity and global citizenship.

“Global citizenship today is a combination of universalism and diversity,” said Martínez Pandiani. “Only through global democracy will we achieve global citizenship.”

“The presentation on global citizenship was an incredible opportunity for the Stetson community to hear from an international expert what it really means to be a citizen of the world,” said Professor Ann Piccard, who attended the talk. “Mr. Martínez Pandiani gave the students the benefit of his career’s worth of experience as a diplomat, and he presented a compelling argument for the importance of recognizing that everyone, everywhere, is entitled to be treated with dignity – this is a basic principle of international human rights law and he was able to make it very real and personal for those of us who were fortunate enough to hear him speak.”

Martínez Pandiani presented the idea that since the mid-20th century, nations have begun to compete for power with NGOs and international organizations.

“You need to prepare for the world,” Martínez Pandiani told the crowded room of law students. “The world is in your hands.”

Martínez Pandiani is a career diplomat, and the author of numerous books on political marketing, campaigning and media strategies.