Edward and Bonnie Foreman Biodiversity Lecture Series at Stetson presented Craig Pittman on “The Scent of Scandal”

The Edward and Bonnie Foreman Biodiversity Lecture Series at Stetson presented Craig Pittman on “The Scent of Scandal: How an International Treaty Led to Armed Federal Officers Raiding a Greenhouse for Contraband Flowers” on Sept. 6.

Craig Pittman presented on "The Scent of Scandal" at Stetson Law.

Craig Pittman presented on “The Scent of Scandal” at Stetson Law.

Pittman, Tampa Bay Times reporter and author of books including The Scent of Scandal: Greed, Betrayal, and the World’s Most Beautiful Orchid, presented a talk to students about a contraband orchid and what happened when scientists at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota, Fla., were suspected of violating the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.

The talk in the Great Hall at Stetson’s Gulfport campus was co-sponsored by the Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy and Environmental Law Society at Stetson.

Stetson’s Edward and Bonnie Foreman Biodiversity Lecture Series began last semester in February with a discussion about protecting Florida’s precious coastal environment.