Professor Dorothea Beane received inscribed book by 2012 Robert F. Kennedy Book Award winner

Professor Robert Bickel presented an inscribed copy of University of Minnesota professor Kathryn Sikkink’s book, The Justice Cascade: How Human Rights Prosecutions Changed World Politics, to Stetson Law professor Dorothea Beane in the Dolly & Homer Hand Law Library on Sept. 6.

Professor Dorothea Beane with Professor Robert Bickel in the Dolly & Homer Hand Law Library.

Professor Dorothea Beane with Professor Robert Bickel in the Dolly & Homer Hand Law Library.

The new book by Sikkink is the winner of the 2012 Robert F. Kennedy Book Award. Professor Sikkink inscribed the copy of her award-winning book to Professor Beane in recognition of her pioneering work in the field of human rights.

Professor Beane served as an attendee and reporter for the United Nations Conference of Plenipotentiaries (in Rome, Italy) on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court. As an international lobbyist, Professor Beane attended the Rome treaty conference which led to the creation of the International Criminal Court. She was a non-governmental observer representing the National Bar Association, lobbying for the treaty’s enactment.

Professor Beane has worked extensively at The Hague on matters involving international criminal law and human rights, and helped found Stetson’s study abroad program at The Hague, Netherlands-Lausanne, Switzerland. She also co-directs the Institute for Caribbean Law and Policy at Stetson.

Professor Bickel co-coordinates the Social Justice Advocacy Certificate of Concentration program at Stetson Law.