Students from Baylor School of Law won the National Pretrial Competition at Stetson Law on Oct. 14

A team of students from Baylor School of Law won the fifth National Pretrial Competition at Stetson Law on Oct. 14.

The Baylor School of Law team of coach James Willis, Morgan Harkins, Kyle Voss, Taylor Romero and Kyle Farrar won the National Pretrial Competition at Stetson Law.

The Baylor School of Law team of coach James Willis, Morgan Harkins, Kyle Voss, Taylor Romero and Kyle Farrar won the National Pretrial Competition at Stetson Law.

Morgan Harkins of Baylor School of Law was named Best Advocate in the final round of competition.

The Best Plaintiff’s Memorandum of Law Award was presented to Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School and the Best Defendant’s Memorandum of Law Award was presented to South Texas College of Law.

Twenty teams from around the country traveled to Stetson Law for the annual competition.

Stetson Law has ranked as the top school in the nation for advocacy 14 times since 1995 and has consistently ranked among the top programs for legal writing by the U.S. News & World Report.

Visit the Center for Excellence in Advocacy at Stetson to learn more.

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