Stetson Law students win awards for best brief, best cross-examination at weekend east and west coast competitions

Stetson University College of Law students won awards this past weekend for best appellate briefs in Washington, D.C., and best cross examination in San Francisco, Calif.

Stetson’s Moot Court teams won top awards for their appellate briefs at the National Veterans Law Moot Court Competition on Nov. 3-4 in Washington, D.C. Stetson students Amar Agha and Erik Johanson won the Best Petitioner’s Brief Award and the Stetson team of Michael Millett and Michelle Reilly tied with a team from South Texas College of Law to win the Best Respondent’s Award. Twenty teams competed. Agha and Johanson advanced to the final round of the competition to argue before a panel of judges from the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.

Stetson Trial Team member Elizabeth Constantine was awarded Best Cross Examination at the Professor Bernie L. Segal Golden Gate University Criminal Mock Trial Competition on Nov. 2-4 in San Francisco, Calif. The Stetson team of Elizabeth Constantine, Barbra Goyanes, Diego Novaes and Jared Williams advanced to the final round of competition to present before a 12-person jury. Twelve teams competed.

Stetson’s Moot Court Board competes year-round throughout the U.S. and around the world. Competitions cover a wide variety of legal fields, including bankruptcy, constitutional (state and federal), criminal procedure, information technology, international, privacy and veterans law.

The Trial Team at Stetson has won first place in more national-level trial competitions than any other law school in the nation. Students perfect their trial skills at competitions that simulate jury trials, where they are evaluated by experienced trial lawyers and judges.