Students learn about public service from practicing attorneys

A panel of attorneys spoke with Stetson Law students on Nov. 8 on the Gulfport campus at a banquet celebrating public service sponsored by the Public Service Fellows. Tampa Public Defender Keh’ara Hendrieth ’11, Pinellas County Public Defender Noah Kores ’10, and Assistant Attorney General Caroline Johnson Levine talked with students about the importance of being engaged in public service.

Attorneys Tampa Public Defender Keh'ara Hendreith, Assistant Attorney General Caroline Johnson Levine, and Pinellas County Public Defender Noah Kores ’10 talked with students.

Attorneys Tampa Public Defender Keh’ara Hendrieth ’11, Assistant Attorney General Caroline Johnson Levine, and Pinellas County Public Defender Noah Kores ’10 talked with students.

Lee Feldman, student president of Stetson’s Public Service Fellows, said that the students attending the banquet learned from practicing attorneys about how to get involved in law school and stay active in public service throughout their legal careers.

Feldman, who aspires to be a prosecutor, explained that the Public Service Fellows organization offers second- and third-year students an opportunity to receive a semester-long stipend while completing public service work. Public service work must be approved, and students are responsible for completing an application process including a proposal for the kind of work they wish to do. Feldman said that past projects have included working in the public defender’s office and volunteering to help veterans.

Stetson Public Service Fellows Meredith Harlow and Danielle Weaver-Rogers coordinated the event for students, with the assistance of Feldman, Lauren Christ, Bianca Guerrier and Vanessa Volkema.

The deadline for applications to work with the Public Service Fellows at Stetson during the spring semester is Dec. 20. For more information, contact Lee Feldman at [email protected].