Stetson Law student Jeffrey Harvey starts scholarship for veterans, receives prestigious leadership scholarship

Stetson University College of Law student Jeffrey Harvey, who helped establish a scholarship to help veterans pay for law school, has  received a prestigious Douglas B. Henderson Leadership Scholarship from the Federal Circuit Bar Association.

Jeffrey Harvey, third from the right, received his Douglas B. Henderson Leadership Scholarship  at the Federal Circuit Bar Association ceremony in Washington, D.C.

Jeffrey Harvey, third from the right, received his Douglas B. Henderson Leadership Scholarship at the Federal Circuit Bar Association ceremony in Washington, D.C.

Only one scholarship is awarded each year, in honor of Douglas B. Henderson, founding president of the Federal Circuit Bar Association. Harvey was awarded $10,000 and a membership in the Federal Circuit Bar Association in recognition of his outstanding leadership skills and academic excellence. He accepted the scholarship in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 16.

Harvey, who spearheaded the Frederick B. Karl Scholarship for veterans, founded the Student Veterans Organization at Stetson Law. As a student, Harvey provided pro bono services to members of the military and veterans. He is a member of the Student Leadership Development Committee, a Yellow Ribbon Scholarship and Diversity Scholarship recipient at Stetson.

Currently stationed with the Florida Army National Guard in Pinellas Park, Fla., Harvey is a graduate of the Army Ranger School and a four-time combat veteran who served in Afghanistan and Iraq and spent 10 years on active duty with the U.S. Army. While in Iraq, Harvey collaborated with the Vanderbilt School of Business to stimulate small business growth in Iraq and managed hundreds of Iraqi reconstruction projects. He has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal and a Valorous Unit Award. Between deployments, Harvey earned a master’s degree in human development and leadership from Murray State University.

Harvey will complete his J.D. at Stetson Law this December.

He and his wife Katie had their first child, Henry, on June 14.