Stetson Student Veterans Organization, Animal Legal Defense Fund, co-sponsored a program about using dogs in the military

Stetson’s Student Veterans Organization and Student Animal Legal Defense Fund chapter co-sponsored a film presentation on Feb. 28 about using dogs in the military.

Stetson Law Professor Peter Fitzgerald with dogs.

Stetson Law professor Peter Fitzgerald’s dogs attended the film presentation about the use of dogs in the military. Photo by Bianca Guerrier.

Stetson Law students, along with dogs “James” and “Dora,” attended a screening of Always Faithful. “Dora” is a registered therapy dog trained by animal law expert Peter Fitzgerald, a professor at Stetson.

The documentary, directed by cinematographer Harris Done and produced by Academy Award-winning filmmaker James Moll, tells the story of U.S. Marine Corps dog teams serving on the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Stetson recently initiated a popular therapy dog program to help students manage stress during exam time, which includes visits from therapy dogs trained by Stetson faculty and alumni.