Stetson Assistant Professor of Law Ciara Torres-Spelliscy named in “50 Under 50” list by Lawyers of Color

Stetson University Assistant Professor of Law Ciara Torres-Spelliscy was named to the Lawyers of Color’s 50 Under 50 list of minority professors making an impact in legal education. The list is scheduled to be released in its special edition on law school diversity on May 2.

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Torres-Spelliscy, who teaches election law, corporate governance and constitutional law at Stetson University College of Law, is a national expert on the role of money in politics. She has testified before federal, state and local legislative bodies on campaign finance reform, and she helped draft legislation and Supreme Court briefs on the issue. Torres-Spelliscy is a member of the board of directors of the National Institute on Money in State Politics, and was recognized for her expertise in campaign finance, elections and voter eligibility in

Torres-Spelliscy has published chapters in the books Women and the Law and Risk Management and Corporate Governance, as well as several scholarly articles in journals and law reviews across the country. She has forthcoming articles in the Montana Law Review and the Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal.

A graduate of Harvard University and Columbia Law School, Torres-Spelliscy has also published articles in the New York Times, New York Law Journal, U.S. News & World Report, Boston Review, Roll Call, Business Week, Forbes, The Atlantic, USA Today, Business Ethics Magazine, San Francisco Chronicle, The Hill, Huffington Post,, Judicature,, and the ABA Judges Journal. National news media frequently interview her on constitutional and election matters.

She has spoken in academic, NGO, and governmental settings around the nation including the National Convention of the Association of American Law Schools, Law and Society, and the Council on Governmental Ethics Laws Conference, as well as symposia at 16 different universities including Harvard.

Lawyers of Color, founded as On Being A Black Lawyer, produces publications for current and future lawyers of African American, South Asian American, Pacific Asian American, Hispanic and Native American descent.