Stetson Law announces this year’s William A. Kaplin and Facilitator Award recipients

Stetson University College of Law announced the recipients of this year’s William A. Kaplin Award and Facilitator Award at the National Conference on Law and Higher Education, Feb. 13-19, in Orlando, Fla.

William Thro

William E. Thro. Photo: University of Kentucky.

William E. Thro, constitutional law scholar and general counsel of the University of Kentucky, received the William A. Kaplin Award for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy Scholarship. Thro is an accomplished attorney, academic and appellate advocate. He provides proactive advice on critical legal and policy issues at the University of Kentucky.

The Center for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy at Stetson University established the award in honor of Professor William A. Kaplin to recognize scholars who have published works on education law that embrace the intersection of law and policy.

Jen Day Shaw, the Associate Vice President and Dean of Students at the University of Florida, received the Facilitator Award. Dr. Shaw oversees Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution, the Disability Resource Center, New Student and Family Programs, and Student Veterans Success Center at the University of Florida. She also provides assistance to students in distress, manages the 24-hour crisis/emergency duty for campus, and serves as chair of the Behavioral Consultation Team, the Crisis Response Team, the Protest Team and the Emergency Deans. Dr. Shaw serves as the Campus Safety Knowledge Community National Chair for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) and has been appointed to the national panel of experts for the Virginia Tech Victims Family Foundation. 

Jen Day Shaw

Jen Day Shaw. Photo: University of Florida.

Stetson created the Facilitator Award for educators who embody the values and principles articulated by Professors Peter F. Lake and Robert P. Bickel in their book, The Rights and Responsibilities of the Modern University. The Facilitator Model urges educators to be proactive about safety and risk management and to develop organization environments that are reasonably safe, educationally relevant and developmentally sound.

Stetson’s National Conference on Law and Higher Education, now in its 35th year, is a week-long event designed to provide attendees with the vision, motivation, and intensely practical tools needed to return to campus to meet the dynamic law and policy challenges of the day. The conference features the top thinkers, lawyers, and authors in the field and focuses on some of the biggest challenges in higher education today.