Stetson’s bar passage is again #1 in the state

Stetson University College of Law’s bar passage rate is again number one in the state, with 85 percent of all graduates passing the February bar exam on the first try, far exceeding the statewide average of 72.9 percent.

Stetson Law’s bar passage was also number one in the state on the Florida bar exam in July, with 89.3 percent of Stetson graduates passing.

“I am proud of the great work of our graduates,” said Stetson Law Dean and Professor of Law Christopher M. Pietruszkiewicz. “The bar exam is an important milestone and Stetson is dedicated to helping prepare our graduates for the legal profession.”

Stetson’s bar preparation program is designed to help graduates succeed, with bar preparation workshops, an essay-grading program and study plan, and Bar Preparation Services staff members available to guide students through the process of bar admission.

Stetson’s bar passage rate has continued to climb over the past decade.