Student Todd Hoover: Advocating for literary equality

When he is not busy commuting from his home in Palm Harbor, Florida, to Stetson Law school or working full-time at his job of 16 years at Nebraska Printing Company, Todd Hoover is a literacy advocate for at-risk youth.

Student Todd Hoover

Student Todd Hoover

The 45-year-old third-year student at Stetson University College of Law balances raising a family with a full-time job, part-time law school, and his work with a nonprofit literacy program. Hoover recently created the nonprofit, First 25, Inc., to help boost literacy among underprivileged youth in Pinellas County, Florida.

“The time for ineffective measures and impotent bureaucracies is over,” Hoover said. “We will teach these kids to read child by child, until we have fixed the problem.”

First 25 promotes what Hoover calls racial literary equality. Through First 25, Hoover helped grow a community literacy program in an at-risk area of Largo, Florida, which lead to a pilot program at John Hopkins Middle School in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Hoover is also the author of several children’s and young adult fiction books.