International women leaders visiting Stetson advocate for peace

A group of women leaders from nine countries around the world visited Stetson University College of Law’s Gulfport campus on Sept. 15 to speak on advocating for peace, stability and security.

Women leaders gathered at Stetson Law to discuss promoting peace and security.

Women leaders gathered at Stetson Law to discuss promoting peace and security.

The group gathered at Stetson from Bangladesh, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tajikistan as part of a special initiative of the U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program, sponsored by the Institute of International Education.

Stetson Professor of Law Luz Nagle, an expert in international law, talked with the women leaders about transitional justice and security issues. The group visited Professor Nagle’s law class and spoke with students about leading in conflict mediation and community transformation when faced with challenges to peace and security.

World Partnerships, the regional partner of the State Department’s International Visitor Leadership Program, helped coordinate the visit.