Stetson awarded bronze keys at ABA Law Student Division meeting

Stetson University College of Law was presented with a bronze key for the greatest raw membership and a bronze key for the most improved membership during the American Bar Association Law Student Division meeting on Feb. 7 on the Gulfport campus. Law students from Florida, Georgia and Puerto Rico were invited to attend the meeting hosted by Stetson Law school.

Chris Sprowls provided the keynote.

Chris Sprowls J.D. ’09 provided the keynote. Photo by Brittany Brochard.

Stetson Law student Brandy Pikus, the ABA Law Student Division 5th Circuit Governor, introduced the meeting program. Stetson’s Director for Student Life Tammy Briant J.D. ’06 presented the welcome address.

“Receiving two bronze keys was very rewarding for the Stetson ABA. They are a symbol of our leadership team’s passion and dedication, who spent countless hours informing students and creating excitement about the many benefits of the ABA. I’m proud that we were able to carry on Stetson’s superior legacy in the ABA,” said Pikus.

Florida State Representative Chris Sprowls J.D. ’09 provided the keynote. The program included a panel of hiring partners and associates, lunch with local law professionals, as well as the election of the new circuit governor.

“The greatest reward of being the 5th Circuit Governor was being able to work with the Board of Governors to create positive change for law students across the country for many years to come while also being able to work closely with the students of 5th Circuit to help promote their programs, activities and effect change at individual campuses,” said Pikus.

The 5th Circuit encompasses the 19 law schools in Florida, Georgia and Puerto Rico. The new 5th Circuit Governor, Marcus Sandifer, is a student at Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School. He will be sworn in during the Spring Board of Governors Meeting in Las Vegas on March 14.