Patrick Davis ’88 presents on entrepreneurship and social justice

Stetson University graduate Patrick Davis ’88, CEO of Davis Brand Capital and co-founder of the anti-bullying foundation StandUp, presented the Social Justice Lecture on “Entrepreneurism for Social Change: Inside Stories of Making the World Better, One Company at a Time” on Stetson’s Gulfport campus.

Davis’ presentation on Feb. 19 outlined his business model for StandUp, and discussed how entrepreneurship is an aspect of the battle for social justice.

Patrick Davis '88.

Patrick Davis ’88. Photo by Brittany Brochard.

“Put social good ahead of personal greed,” Davis urged the audience of law students attending his lecture.

In just three years, and with the support of Coca-Cola, Kiehl’s and Nike, the StandUp brand shipped to 53 countries – and released enough profits to fund global anti-bullying education programs and award more than 50 grants in the U.S. and the U.K. to assist anti-bullying efforts. Davis described how animal and human welfare practices, safe-ingredient standards, or inclusion and anti-bullying policies in businesses can drive social change.

Davis also presented a lecture and discussion on Feb. 18 at Stetson University in DeLand as part of the Social Justice Lecture series.

During the fall semester of 2013, Stetson University launched the lecture series focused on social justice to explore issues central to its mission and values — values that speak to human freedom, personal and social responsibility, the connections we have with each other, and the obligations that flow from our shared humanity.