Stetson wins Hermes Creative Awards for video features

Stetson University College of Law’s communications team in Gulfport, Florida, has been honored with multiple Hermes Creative Awards for its video features spotlighting students and alumni. Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals who work on concept, writing and design using traditional materials and emerging technologies.

Stetson won a platinum Hermes Creative Award for its video series.

Stetson won a platinum and a gold Hermes Creative Award for its video series.

Stetson’s video production manager Stan Arthur and manager of media relations Brandi Palmer interviewed multiple students, alumni and faculty to produce the award-winning features.

Stetson Law has won a platinum award in the nonprofit category for its eight-video series, “Serving the Public Interest,” featuring law alumni living and working in public service fields in the Tampa Bay region; a gold award in the marketing service category for the video, “What Kind of Advocate Are You?” featuring interviews with students, faculty, and Stetson Law Dean Christopher Pietruszkiewicz; and an honorable mention in the marketing service category for the student feature, “The Glamorous Side of Stetson Law: Karin Paparelli,” showcasing the unique talents of the Nashville country music singer/composer turned law student.

This year’s competition included 6,000 entries from the U.S. and 22 other countries. Entrants ranged from top advertising agencies and PR firms, to corporate marketing and communication departments, production companies, and freelancers. Only 15 percent of entries received the platinum award, the highest honor, and 22 percent received the gold recognition.