Stetson hosts the South Atlantic Regional Tournament of the American Collegiate Moot Court Association

Stetson University College of Law hosted the South Atlantic Regional Tournament of the American Collegiate Moot Court Association on Nov. 13-14 on the Gulfport campus.

It was the first time that Stetson has hosted the event, which drew 30 teams of undergraduate students from nine institutions—Armstrong State University, Duke University, Florida Atlantic University, Patrick Henry College, University of Central Florida, University of Chicago, University of Georgia, University of Louisville, and University of Tampa.

Sixty advocates traveled to Stetson to demonstrate their oral advocacy skills and to earn a chance to advance to the national tournament at the California State University at Long Beach in January 2016.

Claire Atwood and William Bock from Patrick Henry College won the regional tournament and Sara Evall and Logan Laguna-Kirkpatrick from Duke University placed second.

The top orators in the competition were the following schools: from Patrick Henry College–Clare Downing (best oralist), Ryan Collins (runner-up best oralist), Claire Atwood (third-best oralist), and William Bock (sixth best oralist); from Duke University–Logan Laguna-Kirkpatrick (fourth-best oralist), Maya Durvasula (seventh-best oralist), and Natasha Torrens (eighth-best oralist); from University of Chicago–John Lutz (fifth-best oralist) and Lilly Guo (tenth-best oralist); and from the University of Louisville–Jacob Abrahamson (ninth-best oralist).