Remembering Justice Antonin Scalia

On a sunny afternoon on April 4, 2007, Justice Antonin Scalia visited Stetson University College of Law in Gulfport, Florida, to talk with members of the law school community.

Justice Antonin Scalia spoke on the Gulfport campus of Stetson law school in 2007.

Justice Antonin Scalia spoke on the Gulfport campus of Stetson law school in 2007.

It was a rare opportunity for the more than 800 Stetson law school students in attendance to have a chance to hear from a member of the High Court, and to ask Justice Scalia questions in an intimate courtyard setting.

Justice Scalia spoke for more than 90 minutes to the crowd gathered to hear him talk in 2007.

He also spoke at the Museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg at the invitation of the Stetson Law Review in May of 1990 as part of the Distinguished Lecture Series.