Free CLE webinar on Crime Scene Essentials launches in March

Stetson University College of Law’s National Clearinghouse for Science, Technology and the Law has partnered with the Law Enforcement Innovation Center at the University of Tennessee’s Institute for Public Service to launch a new webinar series as part of the “Capital Litigation Initiative: Crime Scene to Courtroom Forensics Training.” Attendees who complete the series will be eligible for free CLE credits.

The first in a series of eight webinars, “Crime Scene Essentials,” launches on March 2, and covers identifying, documenting, processing, preserving and collecting of evidence.

The eight webinars, funded by the US Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance’s Capital Case Litigation Initiative, are designed for prosecutors and defense attorneys working on capital cases and will offer step-by-step forensic science training from evaluating the crime scene to defending or prosecuting death penalty cases in court.

“In an era in which the Supreme Court has scrutinized the death penalty, this course will educate lawyers about how forensic science plays a crucial role in the most serious of crimes,” said Stetson Professor of Law Carol Henderson, the course leader.

Professor Henderson, recognized as an international authority on forensic science and law, co-chairs the Life & Physical Sciences Division of the American Bar Association’s Science & Technology Law Section and is the former president of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. She is the founding director of the National Clearinghouse for Science, Technology and the Law at Stetson.

For more information, contact Stetson’s Office of Professional Education at 727-562-7898 or email [email protected].

Visit to register for the free webinar.