Students host presentation on discrimination in the workforce

by third-year law student Viktoryia Johnson

Student introduced speakers Jim Mallue and Gil Singer. Photo by Marissa Marchena.

Student Viktoryia Johnson introduced speakers Gil Singer and Jim Mallue. Photo by Marissa Marchena.

On March 24, Stetson’s student Labor & Employment Law Association hosted a presentation on employment discrimination, titled “Florida Commission on Human Relations’ Take on Employment Discrimination in Florida.” The speakers, Jim Mallue and Gil Singer, discussed the Florida Commission on Human Relations’ operation and the administrative process available to Floridians who have experienced discrimination in the workforce.

“The primary functions of the FCHR are to investigate and resolve employment discrimination cases and public accommodation discrimination cases brought under the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, and housing discrimination cases . . . brought under the Fair Housing Act,” said Mallue.

During his presentation, Mallue discussed the FCHR’s organization and functions and the complaint, mediation, and investigation processes established by the agency. He explained the anti-discrimination protections Floridians enjoy under the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 and the two avenues—judicial and administrative—Floridians can employ to pursue their causes of action under the Florida’s civil rights statute. Singer explained the FCHR’s appellate review process and his duties as a commissioner.

A crowd gathered to hear speakers Jim Mallue and Gil Singer. Photo by Marissa Marchena.

A crowd listened to speaker Jim Mallue. Photo by Marissa Marchena.

Mallue is a senior attorney with the FCHR. Prior to joining the FCHR in 1994, Mallue was active in civil rights enforcement on a volunteer basis, serving for a number of years on the St. Petersburg Human Relations Review Board as both board member and board chairperson, as well as serving as a commissioner of the FCHR. Singer is a Florida debt collection attorney and partner in Marcadis Singer, PA. In 2002, Singer was appointed to the FCHR, where he served a four-year term as commissioner. In 2007 and again in 2011, Florida governors reappointed Singer to the same post for two more four-year terms.

Stetson’s Labor & Employment Law Association is planning a similar event next year.

Students interested in learning more or becoming members of LELA should visit the Stetson Labor and Employment Law Association on Facebook. To join LELA’s listserv to receive notifications of future events, and labor and employment law writing competitions and scholarship opportunities, email Viktoryia Johnson, LELA president, at [email protected].

Watch the March 24 event at