Professor tackles controversial topic of judicial recusal in new book: Disqualifying the High Court

Professor of Law Louis Virelli tackles the highly controversial topic of judicial recusal and the separation of powers that is the cornerstone of American democracy in his new book Disqualifying the High CourtRead more at the University Press of Kansas.

Professor of Law Louis Virelli.

Professor of Law Louis Virelli.

“Recusal has emerged as an issue in the presidential campaign, in the form of Republican candidate Donald Trump’s criticism of Judge Gonzalo Curiel for not stepping aside from the civil suit against Trump University,” Tony Mauro wrote in A Law Prof’s Take on Judicial Recusals, the Williams Decision and Trump for the National Law Journal. “The high court itself has faced recusal controversies in recent years, prompting calls for justices to be more transparent in explaining why they do or don’t recuse in certain cases.”

“Stetson University College of Law professor Louis Virelli III has just written Disqualifying the High Court, a book about recusal that focuses mainly on the Supreme Court but also charts the history of recusal statutes, many of which he believes are unconstitutional,” Mauro wrote.

Virelli is a Professor of Law at Stetson University, teaching courses in administrative law, civil procedure, constitutional law and the federal courts. Professor Virelli writes primarily in the areas of constitutional and administrative law. His most recent work has focused on judicial review of administrative agencies and the constitutional issues surrounding the recusal of Supreme Court justices.

Professor Virelli’s articles have appeared or are forthcoming in journals including the Alabama Law Review, North Carolina Law Review, the Wisconsin Law Review, the Washington & Lee Law Review, the Northwestern University Law Review Colloquy, the Iowa Law Review Bulletin, the Administrative Law Review and the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law. He is a member of the Planning Committees for the Southeastern Association of Law Schools and the AALS Section on Administrative Law and Constitutional Law. Before joining academia, Professor Virelli served for five years as a trial attorney in the Civil Division of the United States Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.