Recipes for legal writing: Stetson University launches new project at Legal Writing Institute conference

Stetson University College of Law’s Institute for the Advancement of Legal Communication is launching “Teaching Legal Writing: Out of the Box Ideas Inside,” an educational service project with legal writing experts around the country. Stetson University Professor of Law Kirsten Davis will introduce the project during the Legal Writing Institute Biennial Conference in Portland on July 10-13, with the goal of sharing favorite legal writing teaching ideas with law school professors from across the

“The Box” project features a boxed collection of idea cards for teaching legal writing as well as online teaching materials to accompany the idea cards. The project launches with a box that includes a half-dozen legal writing teaching idea cards organized by topic and created by Institute. “The Box” will be updated annually with new teaching ideas in categories ranging from writing organization to research and attribution.

“Improving legal writing teaching is a mission for the Institute. ‘The Box’ promotes excellent legal writing instruction by sharing good teaching ideas among faculty nationwide,” said Dr. Davis, who directs the Institute for the Advancement of Legal Communication and legal research and writing program at Stetson. Stetson University’s legal writing program is consistently ranked at the top among programs in the U.S. “We loved the idea of having inspiration for teaching sitting on our desks, and ‘The Box’ is a fun and effective way to share that inspiration with others. Over time, we hope that everyone who teaches legal writing has an idea card in ‘The Box.’”

Faculty who teach legal writing may receive “The Box” and future updates by sending their name and address to [email protected].

To contribute an idea, legal writing professors may email [email protected].

To learn more about the project, visit Learn more about Stetson’s Institute for the Advancement of Legal Communication by visiting