Darryl C. Wilson named associate dean

Attorneys’ Title Fund Professor of Law Darryl C. Wilson has been named associate dean for faculty and strategic initiatives at Stetson University College of Law.

Associate Dean for Faculty and Strategic Initiatives Darryl C. Wilson.

Associate Dean for Faculty and Strategic Initiatives Darryl C. Wilson.

Associate Dean Wilson is the director of the Intellectual Property Law Internship Program, the American-Caribbean Law Initiative, and co-director of the Institute for Caribbean Law and Policy at Stetson. Wilson has taught around the world in the Caribbean, Estonia, the Netherlands, Spain, South Korea and Zambia. He is the faculty adviser for the Intellectual Property Law Society, Sports and Entertainment Law Society, the Real Property Probate & Trust Law Society, and the Black Law Students Association. He teaches Real Property, Real Estate Finance, Housing and Home Ownership for the Elderly, Trademarks and Unfair Competition, Copyrights and Patents, International Intellectual Property, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Sports Law and Entertainment Law at Stetson.

Wilson is a member of several professional and community organizations, and serves in alternate dispute resolution for international, national and state agencies. He is the author of several articles and co-author of a casebook on sports law, editor and author of two books on real property law, and is a regular contributor to the ABA Probate & Property Magazine. He has also been certified as a NFL Players Association contract adviser.

Before joining the law faculty at Stetson, Wilson was an associate professor at Detroit College of Law, now Michigan State University College of Law. He taught bar review courses and practiced law in his hometown of Chicago before joining academia full time. He began his legal career as a public interest law fellow, served as staff attorney and pro bono coordinator with the Cook County Legal Assistance Foundation, and later served as in-house corporate intellectual property counsel for Soft Sheen Products, as a regional counsel for real property affairs with the UAW, and as the principal attorney in his own private firm.