Preserving cultural property: Donald Burris speaks on recovering art looted by Nazis

Donald Burris spoke at Stetson.

Donald Burris spoke at Stetson. Photo by SeanCarlo Lopez.

Donald Burris, a distinguished practicing lawyer and law lecturer for more than 40 years, visited Stetson’s Gulfport campus on Sept. 13 to present a talk on “Preserving Cultural Property: Legal Aspects on Restituting Nazi Looted Art.”

Burris, an attorney with Burris Schoenberg & Walden, LLP, discussed his role in recovering stolen art and bringing justice to the victims of Nazi looting during World War II.

Burris has devoted considerable time to the pursuit of art works and other assets stolen by the Nazi authorities before and during World War II. These efforts culminated in 2004, when a successful argument to the U.S. Supreme Court resulted in the Austrian government returning several priceless historic paintings by Gustav Klimt.