Technology part of your practice? Stetson hosts inaugural Legal Technology CLE in June

Stetson University College of Law hosts the inaugural Legal Technology continuing legal education program on June 9 on the Gulfport campus, 1401 61st St S.

The daylong CLE program for lawyers and legal practitioners covers topics ranging from cyber security in the law firm to courtroom technology to using social media in advertising.

Presentations include “Cyber Security and Your Law Firm: Protect Yourself,” “Courtroom Technology,” “E-discovery,” “Integrating Technology into Practice,” “Social Media, Advertising Rules, Tech & Ethics,” and “Cybersecurity and Your Clients: The Need for Due Diligence.” 

The CLE begins with registration at 8:30 a.m. and wraps up at 4 p.m.

General, Technology and Ethics CLE credits are pending.

To learn more about the CLE, or to register, visit Stetson Law. For more information, contact Stetson’s Office of Professional Education at [email protected] or call 727-562-7898.