Stetson’s Dispute Resolution Board advances to national competition

Finalists (L-R): Jahanna, Vanessa, Keongela, Jade. Photo courtesy Professor Kristen Adams.

Finalists (L-R): Jahanna Azarian, Vanessa Denk, Keongela Norton and Jade Mattheys. Photo courtesy Professor Kristen Adams.

Stetson University College of Law’s Dispute Resolution Board team of Jahanna Azarian and Vanessa Denk won the regional rounds of the American Bar Association Law Student Division Client Counseling Competition on Feb. 11. The Stetson team of Azarian and Denk heads to the national ABA LSD Client Counseling Competition in Durham, North Carolina, in March.

A second Stetson Dispute Resolution team of Jade Mattheys and Keongela Norton advanced to the final rounds in the regional competition, hosted by Mercer University’s Walter F. George School of Law in Macon, Georgia. Stetson alumna Emily VanOosting J.D. ’12 coached the team.

“These competitions give our students the opportunity to hone their practical lawyering skills in a way that uniquely prepares them to be confident attorneys from their very first days in practice,” said Stetson University College of Law Professor and Dispute Resolution Board Director Kristen Adams.

Stetson’s Dispute Resolution Board teams recently advanced to the national rounds in all three dispute resolution competitions sponsored by the American Bar Association Law Student Division: in arbitration, negotiation, and client counseling.

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