Stetson’s Veterans Advocacy Clinic joins first Law Schools for Vets conference in Washington, D.C.

Stetson's Veterans Law Institute and Veterans Advocacy Clinic was dedicated in 2012.

Stetson’s Veterans Law Institute and Veterans Advocacy Clinic were dedicated in 2012.

Stetson University College of Law joined law schools from around the U.S. at the first conference of the National Law School Veterans Clinic Consortium, or Law Schools for Vets, Feb. 28-March 1, in Washington, D.C. Stetson helped to found the consortium in 2016.

The first Law Schools for Vets conference, which drew more than 120 participants from law school clinics across the country to D.C., was designed to promote best practices among advocates at law schools serving veterans through pro bono work.

The conference featured seminars on law school veterans clinics, Dept. of Veterans Affairs reform, helping veterans with addictions, and working with congressional offices. Breakout sessions included topics ranging from advocating for clients with PTSD to providing legal aid to victims of domestic violence. Guest speakers included the secretary of the VA, Dr. David Shulkin; VA General Counsel James M. Byrne JD ’95; Chief Judge Robert Davis and Judge Michael Allen, both of the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims; and former congressman and Chair of the House Veterans Affairs Committee Jeff Miller.

Professor Stacey-Rae Simcox, director of Stetson’s Veterans Advocacy Clinic, said that the nationwide collaboration of law school clinics is immensely beneficial.

“By collaborating in this consortium, law schools can learn from each other and hone their strategies in helping veterans,” said Professor Simcox. “We want our law students to become passionate lifelong advocates for veterans in need of help.”

Law Schools for Vets was also officially recognized as the nation’s 93rd Veterans Service Organization during the conference.

Stetson’s Veterans Advocacy Clinic and Veterans Law Institute both launched in 2012.

To learn more about veterans advocacy at Stetson, visit