Stetson’s Dispute Resolution Board takes home award for best video from the Vis Moot in Austria


Stetson University College of Law’s Dispute Resolution Board team of Matthew Ceriale, Ahmed Mohamed, Martin Musichi, Jade Turner, and student coach Taofikat Ninalowo was recognized as the winner of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot video contest on March 23 in Vienna, Austria.

(photo L-R): Professor Joseph Morrissey, Matthew Ceriale, Taofikat Ninalowo, Associate Dean Vaughan, Jade Turner, Martin Musichi, and Ahmed Mohamed.

(photo L-R): Professor Joseph Morrissey, Matthew Ceriale, Taofikat Ninalowo, Associate Dean Vaughan, Jade Turner, Martin Musichi, and Ahmed Mohamed.

The team received a standing ovation from the assembled crowd of more than 3,000 competitors, coaches, and arbitrators from around the world as their music video, “Together,” was played. Stetson’s manager of video production, Stan Arthur, edited the video and was the recording engineer for the song. The purpose of the video contest was to capture the spirit of the Vis Moot, and teams were encouraged to show why participating is meaningful to them and how they prepare to compete.

Stetson’s Dispute Resolution Board joined the record 366 teams competing this year at the 25th anniversary of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.

The Stetson team was one of only six teams from the U.S. advancing out of preliminary rounds and Ceriale was recognized with an honorable mention as an oralist. The Secretariat of the International Court of Arbitration extended an offer for an internship to one member of the Stetson team.

Associate Dean for Student Engagement and Professor of Law Stephanie Vaughan J.D. ’91 and Professor of Law Joseph Morrissey coached the Stetson team.

“During the reception after the opening ceremony, we had a vast array of people, literally from all over the world, surrounding our team and telling them how much they loved the video and felt like it showed their own experiences and struggles as well,” said Professor Morrissey.