Alumni distinguish themselves with national and regional appointments

Alumni Joann Grages Burnett, Beth Casey and Korey Henson in the Office of Career and Professional Development have recently distinguished themselves with national and regional appointments.

Joann Grages Burnett.

Joann Grages Burnett.

Joann Grages Burnett J.D. ’08, associate director of the Office of Career and Professional Development, has been appointed the member resources coordinator for the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division. She was also appointed the YLD co-chair of the Tampa Bay chapter of the Federal Bar Association. She co-authored the article, “Reverse Mentorship Is the Key to Success for Millennials and Their Law Firms” for the ABA Young Lawyers Division.

Beth Casey.

Beth Casey.

Beth Casey J.D. ’09, the assistant director of the Office of Career and Professional Development, is being installed as the vice president of the St. Petersburg Bar Foundation Board of Trustees on May 30. She has served on the board for six years.

Korey Henson.

Korey Henson.

Korey Henson J.D. ’09, the associate director of the Office of Career and Professional Development, has been appointed to two positions with the National Association of Law Placement: co-chair of the CSO Employer Outreach working group of the JD Advisors Section and vice-chair of the “Ask an Expert Webinars” working group of the Newer Professionals Section. He also wrote an article for the March 2018 NALP Bulletin, “Counseling the ‘Trailing Partner’ Law Student.” He was selected to co-present in the spring at the 2018 NALP Annual Education Conference on “Closing the Loop: Creating and Maximizing PD Partnerships.”