Professor Luz Nagle visits Colombia, works with social justice initiatives

Professor Luz Nagle, third from the left, with Wilson Herrera and members of the Junta.

Professor of Law Luz Nagle spent Spring Break in Colombia working on social justice initiatives.

Professor Nagle met with a family of shoemakers in Rionegro, Colombia.

Professor Nagle met with the community-based social justice organization Junta de Accion Comunal San José, in a village in the municipality of Guarne, Colombia. She talked with Junta leaders about ways to limit over-development and environmental damage impacting the community.

“We will be coordinating grassroots support and legal responses for the well-being of the rural people living here who just want a safe and secure environment in which to live and care for their families and properties,” said Professor Nagle. 

The Junta was instrumental in building an aquaduct system to provide safe and plentiful potable water to the local communities. 

While in Colombia, Professor Nagle also met with a family of shoemakers in Rionegro that is trying to expand their business and develop a strong social entrepreneurship focus, training local artesans to continue making shoes, and using the proceeds of shoe sales to make custom-fitted shoes for disabled people who otherwise cannot afford shoes.  The business, which has been in the same location for 50 years, needs to move into a larger work space to hire and train more staff.  

At Stetson Law, Professor Nagle teaches courses on international law and international and transborder criminal law, human trafficking, international business transactions, terrorism and global security.