Student Bianca Lopez chosen as Next Generation Leader

Bianca Lopez.

By Taylor Allyn

Every year, the American Constitution Society (ACS) selects a small and elite group of Next Generation Leaders who have demonstrated special leadership in their communities. ACS is a non-profit progressive legal organization founded as a response to the Supreme Court’s Bush v. Gore decision, with chapters in law schools nationwide. This year, student Bianca Lopez was chosen as a Next Generation Leader for her work with the Stetson Law chapter of ACS. 

Lopez was vice president of the Stetson Law ACS during her first year, moving up to president for her second year. She created and spearheaded a mentorship program on the Gulfport campus, pairing up students and local attorneys based on common interests. As president, Lopez arranged for speakers from Spread the Vote Florida to address students during the 2018 election season. She also oversaw a Constitution in the Classroom program, where ACS members traveled to a local elementary school to talk to students about the Constitution and the separation of powers.

To Lopez, her selection by ACS solidifies her lifelong commitment to the organization. Next Generation Leaders remain members after they graduate law school and move on in their careers. Lopez said she hopes to one day get involved with business policy, and to make positive changes wherever she can.