Adjunct Professor Frederick Schaub mentioned in Tampa Bay Times in parking lot shooting trial

The Clearwater parking lot shooting: Everything you need to know about the case

By Kathryn Varn and Dan Sullivan
Tampa Bay Times
Oct. 10, 2019

On July 19, 2018, an argument over a handicap space ended with Michael Drejka fatally shooting Markeis McGlockton in the parking lot of a Circle A Food Store. Issues of race, stand your ground and attorney behavior drew national attention to the trial in which Adjunct Professor Frederick Schaub was one of the prosectors.


Scott Rosenwasser and Fred Schaub

The two Pinellas-Pasco prosecutors assigned to the case have spent their careers at the State Attorney’s Office, Schaub starting in 1985 and Rosenwasser in 1995. Both teach on the side, Schaub at his alma mater Stetson University College of Law and Rosenwasser at St. Petersburg College.

This article was originally published in the Tampa Bay Times on Oct. 10, 2019, with the headline, “The Clearwater parking lot shooting: Everything you need to know about the case.”