Law professor examines judges’ training in empirical data in new article

Associate Professor Anne Mullins.
Associate Professor Anne Mullins.

Law Professor Anne E. Mullins’s article, “Opportunity in the Age of Alternative Facts” was published in the Summer 2019 Washburn Law Journal.

Article Summary

Hotly contested constitutional litigation is increasingly shaped by empirical data. If judges and their clerks had more meaningful opportunities to develop expertise in empirical methodology and cognitive theory, they would be better positioned to (1) evaluate that data, and (2) be aware of any cognitive biases they may bring to that evaluation.

About Professor Mullins

Professor Mullins joined the Stetson University College of Law faculty in Fall 2018 as an associate professor teaching research and writing. She is a national leader in legal writing, serving all three major legal writing professional organizations. Mullins is currently serving as president of the Association of Legal Writing Directors. Her scholarship examines judicial writing through a cognitive theoretical framework.