Louis J. Virelli III talks permanent Daylight Savings Time with WUSF

By Susan Giles Wantuck
March 5, 2020

Louis J. Virelli III


It’s a longtime practice that the Florida Legislature was trying to do away with by passing the Sunshine Protection Act to make Daylight Saving Time permanent year-round in 2018.

Rep. Vern Buchanan and Senator Marco Rubio introduced bills in their respective houses of Congress in 2019 to allow that state law to take effect. It requires congressional approval to do so. And according to Buchanan’s spokeswoman, Chloe Conboy, it would involve repealing a portion of the Uniform Time Act of 1966. She said Congressman Buchanan is confident it will pass.  

But according to Stetson Law professor Louis Virelli, despite the fact that every committee in the Senate is majority Republican right now, time and circumstance may not be working in the bill’s favor. 

“The impeachment trial, I’m certain slowed things down and the election year is going to draw attention to different priorities. So oftentimes the difficulty in getting a piece of legislation passed is not about the substance of the legislation, specifically, it’s about prioritizing and timing,” Virelli said. 

The complete article was originally published on the WUSF website on March 5, 2020, with the headline, “Daylight Saving Time Returns This Weekend. Should It Stay Year-Round?