Peter Lake quoted in The Washington Post on BYU’s honor code policy change

By Marisa Iati
The Washington Post
Feb. 21, 2020

Peter Lake
Professor Peter F. Lake


As the church’s teaching on same-sex relationships evolves, Brigham Young University may have removed specific rules about same-sex intimacy from its honor code to leave “enough room to maneuver to what the church is doing, rather than having to go back and change all the rules because you guessed wrong,” said Peter Lake, director of the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy at Stetson University.

The policy change exemplifies how religious schools are trying to balance aligning their conduct codes with their faiths and implementing clear rules and boundaries for an increasingly law-focused society, he said.

The complete article was originally published on the The Washington Post website on Feb. 21, 2020, with the headline, “BYU removed its longtime ban on ‘homosexual behavior,’ but many students still have questions.”