Louis J. Virelli III publishes report on recusal standards for agency adjudicators

Professor of Law Louis Virelli.
Professor of Law Louis Virelli.

Law Professor Louis J. Virelli’s commissioned report for the Administrative Conference of the United States was published in early May. The report, Administrative Recusal Rules: A Taxonomy and Study of Existing Recusal Standards for Agency Adjudicators,  is the second part of a project Virelli created for the ACUS. The initial report, Recusal Rules for Administrative Adjudicators was published in November 2018.

From the introduction

Administrative adjudication is a critical aspect of administrative government. Adjudications from benefits determinations to licensing decisions and enforcement actions represent the full panoply of agency authority and touch on nearly every aspect of modern society. What’s more, when agencies adjudicate, they directly affect the rights and liberties of individuals. The sheer scope and public impact of administrative adjudication are therefore enough on their own to highlight the significance of promoting integrity and confidence in agency adjudications. Questions of agency ethics and trustworthiness are even more important as government bureaucracy in general and administrative agencies in particular increasingly become targets—fairly or not—of public critique and skepticism.