Louis J. Virelli III co-authors 8th edition of administrative law tome

Professor Louis J. Virelli III
Professor Louis J. Virelli III

Louis J. Virelli, III, with co-authors Charles H. Koch, Jr. (William and Mary Law School), William S. Jordan, III (The University of Akron School of Law), and Richard W. Murphy (Texas Tech University School of Law), published the eighth edition of Administrative Law: Cases and Materials and accompanying teacher’s manual, through Carolina Academic Press this year.

From the publisher

This casebook is designed to help students develop a holistic and pragmatic sense of administrative law through use of an extended hypothetical based on a (fictional) model enabling act, the Wine Trade Commission Act. Each topic in the casebook begins with a problem that requires students to apply doctrines and principles drawn from the materials that follow. As the semester progresses, students gain valuable practice applying administrative law’s abstractions to concrete situations while learning how the provisions of the enabling act and the APA interrelate.