Fighting modern slavery in the Covid era

By Margaret Taylor
International Bar Association
Feb. 3, 2021


It also seems implausible to assume, at a time of global strife, that legislation, contractual clauses and worker action are going to be enough to end modern slavery.

Indeed, as noted by Gold, Covid-19 is exacerbating all the conditions that help modern slavery thrive. Luz Nagle, 2019-2020 Latin American Regional Forum Liaison Officer on the IBA Poverty and Social Development Committee and a professor of law at Stetson University [College of Law] in Florida, agrees and adds that the pandemic’s impact has already been devastating.

“What we have is an enormous supply of vulnerable people and their vulnerability to enslavement is going to increase. That will amplify some of the drivers of human trafficking.”

This article was originally published on the International Bar Association website on Feb. 3, 2021, with the headline, “Fighting modern slavery in the Covid era.”