SCOTUSblog – May 9, 2014 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy is quoted in the Friday SCOTUSblog roundup regarding campaign finance jurisprudence being used as a corruption defense.… » Read more

Christian Science Monitor – May 7, 2014 – Professor Judith Scully

Professor Judith Scully spoke with the Christian Science Monitor for the story, “California court charts new path on life without parole for juveniles.”… » Read more

970 WFLA Radio – May 9, 2014 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose spoke with 970 WFLA Radio about the trial of Julie Schenecker, a mother accused of killing her two children.… » Read more

Sarasota Herald Tribune – May 8, 2014 – Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob

Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob spoke with the Sarasota Herald-Tribune for the story, “Trials of parents accused of killing autistic girl could overlap.”… » Read more

Bay News 9 – May 7, 2014 – Professor Jason Bent

Professor Jason Bent appeared on Bay News 9 discussing a circuit court decision impacting Florida’s drug testing policy for state employees.… » Read more

WMNF News – May 5, 2014 – Professor Louis Virelli

Professor Louis Virelli spoke with WMNF News about the Supreme Court ruling regarding prayer before government meetings.… » Read more

The Harvard Crimson – May 1, 2014 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Harvard Crimson article, “Honor Code Would Face Tough Challenges in Inculcating Culture Shift.”… » Read more

Wall Street Journal – May 1, 2014 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Wall Street Journal article, “Government Releases Names of Schools Under Sex-Assault Investigations.”… » Read more

Tampa Bay Times – May 1, 2014 – Professor Paul Boudreaux

Professor Paul Boudreaux is quoted in the May 1 Tampa Bay Times article, “Owner, authorities have fought for years to keep trespassers off site of fatal April ATV wreck.”… » Read more

The Chronicle of Higher Education – May 1, 2014 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake spoke with the Chronicle of Higher Education for the story, “Promise Unfulfilled” regarding Title IX and the victims of sexual misconduct on campuses.… » Read more

Huffington Post – April 30, 2014 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy wrote the article, “The Light Hiding Under McCutcheon’s Bushel: Transparency” for the Huffington Post.… » Read more

The Harvard Crimson – April 30, 2014 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake spoke with the Harvard Crimson for the article, “Federal Recommendations May Be in Tension with Harvard’s Handling of Sexual Assault.”… » Read more