SCOTUSblog – Sept. 27, 2019 – Professor Ellen S. Podgor

Law Professor Ellen Podgor was featured in an online symposium for SCOTUSblog. The blog post introducing the symposium and its participants is called, “SCOTUSblog online symposium previews ‘Bridgegate’ political corruption case,” and Professor Podgor’s piece is, “Symposium: Corruption is not a crime.” This symposium is promoted on both the Doug Cogan blog and the Sentencing Law and Policy Blog.… » Read more

ABA Journal – Oct. 2, 2019 – Professor Ellen S. Podgor

Law Professor Ellen Podgor was quoted in an Oct. 2, 2019, ABA Journal article called, “Split intensifies over prosecutors’ ethical disclosure duties.”… » Read more

Election Law Blog – Oct. 4, 2019 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Law Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy was mentioned on the Election Law Blog as a panel speaker for the Don McGahn II and Bob Bauer In Keynote Conversation at George Mason Conference in Washington, D.C. on Oct. 4, 2019.… » Read more

Two Stetson professors contribute to book on Mueller investigation

Professor Ellen S. Podgor Law Professors Ellen S. Podgor and Louis J. Virelli III co-authored, along with five other legal scholars, the book The Mueller Investigation and Beyond published by Carolina Academic Press this year. From the publisher: “The Mueller Investigation and issues emanating from that investigation are at the heart of this book, providing a contextual setting for learning and reviewing materials across the… » Read more

Law Professor tackles political branding in new book

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy Law Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy wrote a new book called Political Brands that examines how branding and politics have gone hand in hand throughout history. It was published in September 2019 by Edward Elgar Publishing.   From “I Like Ike” to President Donald Trump’s MAGA hats, branding in politics have sold both ideas and candidates. Political Brands explores the legal framework for the use… » Read more

Law Professors author second edition of legal writing tome

Law Professor Catherine J. Cameron Law Professors Catherine J. Cameron and Lance N. Long co-authored the manual, The Science Behind the Art of Legal Writing: Second Edition, published by Carolina Press. “New research on topics already addressed in the first edition spurred us to write the second edition,” said Long. “We also added a chapter on the science of using the passive voice and a… » Read more

Law professor examines concept of ‘fault’ in contract law in new article

Professor of Law Marco Jimenez Law Professor Marco Jimenez’s article, “Retribution in Contract Law,” was published in the University of California-Davis Law Review, and Lawrence Solum featured the article on his Legal Theory Blog. Article Summary Traditional contract doctrine holds that there is no place for “fault” in Anglo-American contract law, in which a promisor is said to be held strictly liable for breaching a… » Read more

Law professor examines judges’ training in empirical data in new article

Associate Professor Anne Mullins. Law Professor Anne E. Mullins’s article, “Opportunity in the Age of Alternative Facts” was published in the Summer 2019 Washburn Law Journal. Article Summary Hotly contested constitutional litigation is increasingly shaped by empirical data. If judges and their clerks had more meaningful opportunities to develop expertise in empirical methodology and cognitive theory, they would be better positioned to (1) evaluate that… » Read more

Director of Stetson’s Veterans Law Institute examines veterans’ Second Amendment rights in article

Professor Stacey-Rae Simcox. The article, “Depriving Our Veterans of Their Constitutional Rights: An Analysis of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Practice of Stripping Veterans of Their Second Amendment Rights and Our Nation’s Response” by Professor Stacey-Rae Simcox, was accepted for publication in the Utah Law Review in March. Introduction “The oath that every enlisted member and officer of the United States Armed Forces takes before… » Read more

Stetson’s Center for Excellence in Elder Law now hosts WINGS guardianship collaboration

Rebecca C. Morgan The Center for Excellence in Elder Law at Stetson University College of Law has adopted WINGS, a national guardianship program incubated by Florida’s courts and now transitioning to the state’s acknowledged experts and national leaders in this area of specialization. WINGS, or Working Interdisciplinary Network of Guardianship Stakeholders, began with a grant awarded to Florida’s Office of the State Courts Administrator from… » Read more

Adjunct Professor Frederick Schaub mentioned in Tampa Bay Times in parking lot shooting trial

The Clearwater parking lot shooting: Everything you need to know about the case By Kathryn Varn and Dan SullivanTampa Bay TimesOct. 10, 2019 On July 19, 2018, an argument over a handicap space ended with Michael Drejka fatally shooting Markeis McGlockton in the parking lot of a Circle A Food Store. Issues of race, stand your ground and attorney behavior drew national attention to the… » Read more

WTSP – August 15, 2019 – Dean Michèle Alexandre

Law Dean Michèle Alexandre was featured in a profile on WTSP (CBS affiliate) on August 15 called, “New Stetson Law School dean sets tone for diversity.”… » Read more