Florida Trend – Sept. 24, 2013 – Professor Royal Gardner

Professor Royal Gardner spoke with Florida Trend for an Of Counsel article about the impact of the Koontz decision on Florida’s wetlands.… » Read more

Main Justice – Sept. 23, 2013 – Professor Ellen Podgor

Professor Ellen Podgor is quoted in the Main Justice article,”U.S. Attorney Spars with Professor Over Recidivism for White v. Blue-Collar Defendants.”… » Read more

10 News – Sept. 23, 2013 – Dr. Jay Wolfson

Stetson Law adjunct and University of South Florida Distinguished Service Professor of Public Health and Medicine Dr. Jay Wolfson appeared as the Healthcare Expert on 10 News.… » Read more

Star-Banner – Sept. 22, 2013 – Professor Judith Scully

The Sept. 22 Ocala Star-Banner features an interview with Professor Judith Scully for the article, “Diversity on the bench.”… » Read more

Boston.com – Sept. 21, 2013 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy is quoted in the Boston.com article, “The meaning of a five dollar dress.”… » Read more

Slate – Sept. 20, 2013 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy wrote an opinion article for Slate, “Conflict minerals from the Congo: Is your cellphone made with them?”… » Read more

WFSU Radio – Sept. 19, 2013 – Professor James Fox

Professor James Fox spoke with WFSU Radio for the story, “ACLU Says Taking Drivers Licenses from Poor Criminals is Discrimination.”… » Read more

Tampa Bay Times – Sept. 19, 2013 – Dean Chris Pietruszkiewicz

Dean Christopher Pietruszkiewicz spoke with the Tampa Bay Times about the new Constitution Hall for middle school students at the Stavros Institute in Largo for the story, “‘Constitution Hall’ aims to teach students about government.”… » Read more

Wall Street Journal Market Watch – Sept. 19, 2013 – Professor Mark Bauer

Professor Mark Bauer spoke with the Wall Street Journal MarketWatch for the article, “Why United honored accidental free flights.”… » Read more

Legal Theory Blog – Sept. 17, 2013 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy’s article, “Severability & Electoral Silver Linings after Shelby, Citizens United, and Bennett,” was cited in the Legal Theory Blog.… » Read more

Bay News 9 – Sept. 11, 2013 – Professor Luz Nagle

Professor Luz Nagle joined a panel at Bay News 9 discussing the conflict in Syria and President Obama’s speech.… » Read more

The Chronicle of Higher Education – Sept. 11, 2013 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Sept. 11 Chronicle of Higher Education article, “3 Accused of Sexual Misconduct Say Colleges Acted Hastily and Assumed Guilt.”… » Read more