Wall Street Journal – June 10, 2013 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose is quoted in the June 10 Wall Street Journal article, “Zimmerman Jury Pool Queried on Biases.”… » Read more

Chronicle of Higher Education – June 6, 2013 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the June 6 Chronicle of Higher Education story, “Breaking with Norms, New Chief Lawyer at Rutgers U. Enters Fray.”… » Read more

U.S. Dept. of Housing and Senior Development – June 5, 2013 – Professor Mark Bauer

Professor Mark Bauer’s remarks about unfit elder housing or “Peter Pan Housing” were posted by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development.… » Read more

Fox News Radio – June 4, 2013 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose spoke with Fox News Radio for a story about the Fort Hood shootings court martial.… » Read more

The Hill – June 4, 2013 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy wrote an article, “Democracy’s Masquerade Ball,” for The Hill.… » Read more

Tampa Bay’s 10 – June 4, 2013 – Adjunct Professor James Lake

Adjunct Professor James Lake spoke with Tampa Bay’s 10 about Jill Kelley’s lawsuit against the Department of Defense.… » Read more

Bay News 9 – June 4, 2013 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose spoke with Bay News 9 about the high-profile George Zimmerman trial.… » Read more

U Wire – May 30, 2013 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the May 30 U Wire story, “Going Home.”… » Read more

Ocala Star Banner – May 30, 2013 – Adjunct Professor Jeff Brown

The May 30 Ocala Star-Banner quotes adjunct professor Jeff Brown in the story, “Law enforcement increasingly turning to social media.”… » Read more

Wills, Trusts and Estates Prof Blog – May 28, 2013 – Professor Roberta Flowers and Professor Rebecca Morgan

The new book, Ethics in the Practice of Elder Law, co-authored by law professors Roberta Flowers and Rebecca Morgan, is mentioned in the May 28 Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog.… » Read more

Tampa Bay Times – May 26, 2013 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

News of law professor Rebecca Morgan and husband Jay receiving the keys to the City of St. Petersburg for decades of service to the Sunshine Center has run in the May 26 Tampa Bay Times.… » Read more

The Ledger – May 25, 2013 – Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob

Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob spoke with the Ledger for the story, “Robocalls Ring Roadside Sign Code Violators.”… » Read more