Tampa Tribune – April 25, 2013 – Professor Peter Fitzgerald

Professor Peter Fitzgerald’s opinion article, “What in the World is Marco Rubio Thinking?” has run in the Tampa Tribune.… » Read more

The Ledger – April 24, 2013 – Professor Susan Rozelle

Professor Susan Rozelle is quoted in a The Ledger  story about a computer glitch that excluded approximately 23,000 eligible jurors from Polk County jury pools.… » Read more

The Ledger – April 24, 2013 – Adjunct Professor Richard Harrison

Adjunct Professor Richard Harrison is quoted in the Ledger article, “Closed Meetings Expected After Landings Suit Filed.… » Read more

Harvard Crimson – April 23, 2013 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake spoke with the Harvard Crimson for the article, “Experts Address University Emergency Response.”… » Read more

Seattle Post-Intelligencer – April 21, 2013 – Professor James Sheehan

The April 21 Seattle Post-Intelligencer ran a review of Professor James Sheehan’s book, “A Lawyer’s Lawyer.”… » Read more

Chronicle of Higher Education – April 18, 2013 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Chronicle of Higher Education story, “Students’ Prior Criminal Histories Don’t Predict Future Misconduct, Research Finds.”… » Read more

Florida Times-Union Jacksonville – April 18, 2013 – Professor Cynthia Hawkins

Professor Cynthia Hawkins spoke with the Florida Times-Union Jacksonville about a bill ending permanent alimony in Florida that is going to the governor.… » Read more

CNN.com – April 18, 2013 – Professor Susan Rozelle

Professor Susan Rozelle’s interview with CNN.com has run in the article, “When oversharing online can get you arrested.”… » Read more

Daytona Beach News-Journal – April 17, 2013 – Adjunct Professor Adam Levine

Adjunct Professor Adam Levine is quoted in the April 17 Daytona Beach News-Journal article, “Attorney settles with Daytona hospital over infection.”… » Read more

The Ledger – April 16, 2013 – Professor Paul Boudreaux

Professor Paul Boudreaux did an interview with the Ledger for the April 16 article, “Report: Winter Haven City Manager Deric Feacher Close to Deal on The Landings.”… » Read more

Bay News 9 – April 12, 2013 – Professor Darryl Wilson

Professor Darryl Wilson appeared on the April 12 Bay News 9 In Depth segment hourly discussing the trend of people squatting in properties using Old English law as a defense… » Read more

The Ledger – April 11, 2013 – Adjunct Professor Art Rios

Adjunct Professor Art Rios is quoted in the Ledger article, “Missing Hakken Family Back in Tampa.”… » Read more