Food Nation Radio Network – April 8, 2013 – Professor Louis Virelli

Professor Louis Virelli spoke with Food Nation Radio Network about the constitutionality of the Monsanto Protection Act.… » Read more

Center for Public Integrity – April 4, 2013 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy is quoted in the April 4 Center for Public Integrity article, “Governors’ group rely increasingly on ‘dark money’ affiliates.”  … » Read more

Monroe County Beacon – April 4, 2013 – Professor Kirsten Davis

Professor Kirsten Davis is featured in the Monroe County Beacon article, “Monroe County Native Spearheads Stetson’s First Law and Rhetoric Colloquium.”… » Read more

Bay News 9 – April 3, 2013 – Professor Roberta Flowers

Law Professor Roberta Flowers appeared on the April 3 Bay News 9 Afternoon Updated discussing drug sentencing disparities.  … » Read more

Daytona Beach News-Journal – April 3, 2013 – Adjunct Professor Joseph Bodiford

Adjunct Professor Joseph Bodiford is quoted in the Daytona Beach News-Journal article, “Flagler School Board Member’s Wife to Be Sentenced in Fatal Accident.”… » Read more

Sarasota Herald Tribune – April 3, 2013 – Professor Kate Bohl

Professor Kate Bohl spoke with the Sarasota Herald Tribune for the story, “State abuse law passed after Penn State applies in Frazier case.”… » Read more

New York Times – April 2, 2013 – Professor Ellen Podgor

Professor Ellen Podgor is profiled in the New York Times White Collar Watch article, “Women Lead the Way in White-Collar Law.”… » Read more

ABA Journal – March 28, 2013 – Professor Luz Nagle

Professor Luz Nagle is also quoted in the ABA Journal article, “Slavery continues to haunt the modern world, but efforts to eradicate it are growing.”… » Read more

Bloomberg – March 28, 2013 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Bloomberg article, “Frats Worse than Animal House Fail to Pay for Casualties.”… » Read more

The Christian Science Monitor – March 27, 2013 – Professor Luz Nagle

Professor Luz Nagle is quoted in the Christian Science Monitor article, “Amanda Knox retrial: a tale of two countries’ legal systems.”… » Read more

El Diario – March 27, 2013 – Associate Dean Michael Allen

Associate Dean Michael Allen is quoted in the March 27 El Diario story, “Una decision que podria sorprender,” regarding the U.S. Supreme Court hearings regarding gay marriage.… » Read more

Chronicle of Higher Education – March 25, 2013 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Chronicle of Higher Education story, “Efficiency and Academic Freedom Clash in a Fight at CUNY.”… » Read more