Tampa Bay Times – Jan. 9, 2013 – Dean Michael Allen

Dean Michael Allen is quoted in the Jan. 9 Tampa Bay Times article “Pier lawsuit draws in some reluctant petitioners and possible push away from mediation.”… » Read more

Truthout – Jan. 8, 2013 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Truthout quotes Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy on the SEC moving to require that all corporations disclose political spending.  … » Read more

Daytona Beach News-Journal – Jan. 7, 2013 – Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob

Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Bruce Jacob spoke with the Daytona Beach News-Journal for the story, “John’s Appliance owner demands apology from chief for remarks after raid.”… » Read more

Tampa Tribune – Jan. 4, 2013 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose spoke with the Tampa Tribune for the story, “Juror misconduct investigation in Buju Banton case expands.”… » Read more

Legal Theory Blog – Jan. 3 – Professor Rachel VanLandingham

The Legal Theory Blog cites Stetson Law visiting professor Rachel Vanlandingham on the responsibility to protect and customary international law.… » Read more

Forbes – Jan. 2, 2013 – Professor Ellen Podgor

Stetson Law professor Ellen Podgor and Fordham Law professor Bruce Green recently published a paper about corporate internal investigations cited in the Jan. 2 Forbes magazine.… » Read more

Bradenton Herald – Dec. 18, 2012 – Dean Emeritus and Professor Bruce Jacob

Dean Emeritus and Professor Bruce Jacob is quoted in the Bradenton Herald story, “Manatee loud music lovers applaud Supreme Court decision.”… » Read more

Tampa Bay Times – Dec. 14, 2012 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy is quoted in the Dec. 14 Tampa Bay Times article, “Lawyer cited for blasting Justin Timberlake wins case with Florida Supreme Court.”… » Read more

CNBC – Dec. 12, 2012 – Professor Jason Bent

Professor Jason Bent spoke with CNBC for the story, “More States May Adopt ‘Right-to-Work’ Laws.”… » Read more

NBC News.com – Dec. 12, 2012 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy is quoted in national publications including NBC News.com in the story, “Republican governors’ group raised $100 million but fared poorly.”… » Read more

Securities Law Prof Blog – Dec. 10, 2012 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy’s paper, “Safeguarding Markets from Pernicious Pay-to-Play: The SEC’s Money in Politics Model for Regulatory Intervention,”  is referenced in the Securities Law Prof Blog.  … » Read more

The Ledger – Dec. 11, 2012 – Adjunct Professor Richard A. Harrison

Adjunct Professor Richard Harrison is quoted in the Ledger article, “Winter Haven Commissioner Awaits Word on New Job; Opinion Sought from State Ethics Commission.”… » Read more