NPR – April 6, 2018 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose is featured in the NPR podcast, “90.7 WMFE’s Intersection.”… » Read more

Bay News 9 – Professor Louis Virelli – April 3, 2018

Professor Louis Virelli spoke with Bay News 9 about constitutional issues for InDepth.… » Read more

WMFE – April 3, 2018 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose provided a look back at the trial of Noor Salman for WMFE.… » Read more

WMFE – April 3, 2018 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose provided analysis for the Noor Salman trial and outcome to WMFE.… » Read more

Brennan Center for Justice – March 29, 2018 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy wrote the article, “Why Federalism Keeps Me Up at Night,” for the Brennan Center for Justice.… » Read more

Inside Higher Ed – March 26, 2018 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Inside Higher Ed article, “Duty to Protect: California Supreme Court has determined public colleges in the state must warn and shield their students from potential violent acts. Experts say the ruling could have nationwide implications.”… » Read more

Fort Myers News-Press – March 25, 2018 – Professor Paul Boudreaux

Professor Paul Boudreaux is quoted in the Fort Myers News-Press article, “Fort Myers hotel developer confident ‘long hand from the grave’ won’t derail downtown project.”… » Read more

Inside Higher Ed – March 20, 2018 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Inside Higher Ed article, “YouTube Channel Costs Athlete His Scholarship.”… » Read more

WMFE – March 20, 2018 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose spoke with WMFE for coverage of the Noor Salman trial.… » Read more

National Law Review – March 19, 2018 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy wrote the National Law Review article, “Why does it matter if the NRA used Russian money to help Donald Trump’s election?”… » Read more

Orlando Sentinel – March 16, 2018 – Professor Jason Bent

Professor Jason Bent is quoted in the Orlando Sentinel article, “Disney union’s complaint for $1,000 bonuses could be a hard fight.”… » Read more

WMFE – March 9, 2018 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose is quoted in the WMFE news report, “Intersection: Noor Salman Trial Update.”… » Read more