Fox 13 – Sept. 27, 2017 – Professor Catherine Cameron

Professor Catherine Cameron spoke with Fox 13 for the story, “Schools make the rules when it comes to student-athlete protests.”… » Read more

Chronicle of Higher Education – Sept. 24, 2017 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake wrote the Chronicle of Higher Education article, “‘Interim’ Guidance on Title IX Creates Confusion, Not Clarity.”… » Read more

USA Today – Sept. 22, 2017 – Professor Jason Bent

Professor Jason Bent’s quote in the News-Press was picked up by USA Today.… » Read more

InSight Crime – Sept. 22, 2017 – Professor Luz Nagle

Professor Luz Nagle is mentioned in an article in InSight Crime regarding her interview with the newspaper La Nación about the trial of the doctors in Costa Rica accused of trafficking people to harvest their organs.… » Read more

Inside Higher Ed – Sept. 22, 2017 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Sept. 22 Inside Higher Ed article, “Just Like Obama Did?”… » Read more

Chronicle of Higher Education – Sept. 22, 2017 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Chronicle of Higher Education article, “What Does the End of Obama’s Title IX Guidance Mean for Colleges?”… » Read more

Elder Law Prof Blog – Sept. 21, 2017 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

Professor Rebecca Morgan wrote the Sept. 21 Elder Law Prof Blog, “Embrace Aging.”  Sept 15 Elder Law Prof Blog post, “Is Hospice Care Misunderstood?” She also wrote the Sept 14 Elder Law Prof Blog post, “Women Who Are Older—Financial Fears?” Professor Morgan also wrote the Sept. 13 Elder Law Prof Blog post, “Disaster Planning and Services on Our Minds.” She also wrote the Sept. 18… » Read more

The Daily Gazette – Sept. 21, 2017 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Sept. 21 Daily Gazette article, “Rochester launches new inquiry into professor’s harassment charges.”… » Read more

News-Press – Sept. 21, 2017 – Professor Jason Bent

Professor Jason Bent is quoted in the News-Press article, “Lee Health fires then rehires its essential employees who did not work during Irma.”… » Read more

International Business Times – Sept. 20, 2017 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy is quoted in the International Business Times article, “Did Gov. Susana Martinez Break SEC Rules In New Mexico Pension Deals?”… » Read more

New York Times – Sept. 20, 2017 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the New York Times article, “Rochester Launches New Inquiry Into Harassment Accusations.”… » Read more

Christian Science Monitor – Sept. 14, 2017 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Sept. 14 Christian Science Monitor article, “DeVos sets the stage for debate over campus sexual assault guidelines.” The Sept. 15 True Viral News also picked up the CSM article.  … » Read more