Tampa Bay Times – Sept. 1, 2017 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Tampa Bay Times article, “As UF maneuvers, white nationalists say they’re coming to campus.”… » Read more

Tampa Bay Times – Aug. 31, 2017 – Adjunct Professor Richard Harrison

Adjunct Professor Richard Harrison spoke with the Tampa Bay Times for the story, “Times investigation: Pinellas County construction agency steered work to board member.”… » Read more

Crow’s Nest – Aug. 28, 2017 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Aug. 28 Crow’s Nest article, “Campus rape policies get hard look by DeVos, says improvements needed.”… » Read more

Salon – Aug. 27, 2017 – Professor Catherine Cameron

Professor Catherine Cameron is quoted in the Aug. 27 Salon magazine article, “The Florida woman trying to break free of being Florida Woman.”  … » Read more

Tampa Bay Times – Aug. 25, 2017 – Adjunct Professor Richard Harrison

Adjunct Professor Richard Harrison is quoted in the Aug. 25 Tampa Bay Times story, “Tampa lawyer will lead opposition to restoring rights for felons.”… » Read more

WFSU – Aug. 24, 2017 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy spoke with WFSU radio for the story, “Election Law Professor: Public Financing Encourages Diverse Candidates.” The story also aired on WUSF and on WMNF.… » Read more

Tampa Bay Business Journal – Aug. 21, 2017 – Professor Jason Bent

Professor Jason Bent is quoted in the Tampa Bay Business Journal article, “Here’s what you can do if your employee is part of a hate group, according to Holland & Knight.”… » Read more

Tallahassee Democrat – Aug. 19, 2017 – Professor Peter Lake

The Tallahassee Democrat picked up Professor Peter Lake’s interview with the Tampa Bay Times for the Aug. 19 story, “Cotterell: UF means well, but the First Amendment is clear.”… » Read more

Buzz Feed – Aug. 17, 2017 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Buzz Feed article, “Want to Fire a Professor for Sexual Harassment? It’s Going to Take a While.”… » Read more

Politico – Aug. 17, 2017 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Aug. 17 Politico article, “Free speech fights take center stage.”… » Read more

Sarasota Herald Tribune – Aug. 16, 2017 – Professor Louis Virelli

The Aug. 16 Sarasota Herald-Tribune quotes Professor Virelli in the news article, “Judge recuses himself from 30 cases in three months.”… » Read more

Tampa Bay Times – Aug. 16, 2017 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the Aug. 16 Tampa Bay Times story, “UF’s move to deny white nationalist Richard Spencer a venue sets up a First Amendment court fight.”  … » Read more