Brennan Center for Justice – July 24, 2017 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy wrote the article, “Who were the Russians working for?” for the Brennan Center for Justice.… » Read more

El Espectador Cromos – July 21, 2017 – Professor Luz Nagle

Professor Luz Nagle is prominently profiled in el Espectador’s Cromos in an article about her international work in the area of human trafficking. Read more:… » Read more

Elder Law Prof Blog – July 19, 2017 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

Professor Rebecca Morgan wrote the July 19 Elder Law Prof Blog, “Webinar on Elder Abuse-Insight into Victims of Crimes Act.” She also wrote the July 19 Elder Law Prof Blog, “Paying for Help at Home.” Professor Morgan wrote the July 18 Elder Law Prof Blog, “Nursing Home Quality of Care An Ongoing Issue for Some Facilities.” She wrote the July 17 Elder Law Prof Blog,… » Read more

Stars and Stripes – July 19, 2017 – Professor Michael Allen

Professor Michael Allen is featured in the Stars and Stripes article, “Senators call for quick confirmation of six VA appointees.”… » Read more

WUSF – July 19, 2017 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose is quoted in the WUSF story, “Death Sentence Overturned for Carlie Brucia Killer.”… » Read more

Brennan Center for Justice – July 17, 2017 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

The July 17 Election Law Blog features Law Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy in the Brennan Center for Justice article, “Can Federalism Cope with Russian Election Meddling?”… » Read more

WUSF – July 14, 2017 – Professor Charles Rose

Professor Charles Rose is quoted in the July 14 WUSF story, “Politifact Florida Dissects Claims on Medicaid; ‘Stand Your Ground’ Judge.”… » Read more

Christian Science Monitor – July 14, 2017 – Professor Peter Lake

Professor Peter Lake is quoted in the July 14 Christian Science Monitor story, “Beyond the headlines: How all sides are working together on campus assault rules.”  … » Read more

Moyers & company – July 13, 2017 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

The July 13 Election Law Blog also features Professor Torres-Spelliscy for her Moyers & company Blog, “Yes. Violating Certain Campaign Finance Laws Is a Criminal Offense.”  … » Read more

Watertown Daily Times – July 13, 2017 – Professor Charles Rose

The July 13 Watertown Daily Times quotes Professor Charles Rose in the news story, “Massena town supervisor wants three individuals banned from Massena.”… » Read more

Elder Law Prof Blog – July 13, 2017 – Professor Rebecca Morgan

Professor Rebecca Morgan wrote the July 13 Elder Law Prof Blog, “If 60 is the new ‘40’ is to the new 60?” She wrote the July 10 Elder Law Prof Blog, “New Report: Restoration of Rights: Adult Guardianship.” She wrote the July 10 Elder Law Prof Blog, “In Memory of Alfred ‘Chip’ Chiplin.” She wrote the July 10 Elder Law Prof Blog, “New report: Restoration… » Read more

Tampa Bay Times – July 12, 2017 – Professor Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

Professor Torres-Spelliscy is quoted in the Tampa Bay Times article, “Is ‘Collusion’ Illegal? Fox News Host Says No.”… » Read more